
facilitating the use of spatial data in African public health operations and policy with reusable R software building blocks

Short Description

This project will develop software building-blocks to facilitate the use of such spatial data, including the creation of web applications. We will use R -a top data-science language, ubiquitous within research and becoming more popular for operational programs. There is a growing data-science community in Africa with high potential to develop software tools to address local issues. The aim of this project is to support this group (and others) by developing these easily useable software building-blocks, which can be used to create tools relevant to local circumstances.


Wellcome Trust – Open Research Fund


Lead: Dr Andy South (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK)

  • Dr Paula  Moraga, (Lancaster University, UK)
  • Dr Julie-Anne Tangena (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK)
  • Dr Robin Lovelace (University of Leeds, UK)
  • Dr Margareth Gfrerer (Education Strategy Center, Ethiopia)