Educational materials

  • A strong focus on creating, reusing, and adapting open educational resources
  • Co-design and development with intended audiences
  • Training and support to maintain and update materials for sustainability

Start a project

With the global push for Open Educational Resources (OER) to democratise learning, open educational materials are increasingly available online. We customise existing materials or co-develop fit-for-purpose training resources for your organisation. Workflows for co-creation of materials, maintenance, and publication can be included.

According to UNESCO, OERs “contribute to the building of open and inclusive knowledge societies, and to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, namely SDG 4 (Quality education), SDG 5 (Gender equality), SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure), SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities within and among countries), SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals)”.

Developing educational resources that comply with OER requirements

Image by BCOER Librarians CC 4.0 Taken From BCcampus

Image by BCOER Librarians CC 4.0  Taken From BCcampus

We provide guidance and can direct clients to resources and programmes for further learning such as the Open Education for a Better World programme and others.

Guidance and support for collaborative OER development

We have been part of open, collaborative communities of practices for many years and have contributed to, and benefited from collaboratively developed OERs. There are several resources and communities that provide guidance and tips for successfully developing sustainable OERs with input from learners, teachers, and community members. One example is the publication by Devenyi et al (2018) – Ten simple rules for collaborative lesson development. Let us help you design and implement processes and workflows for collaborative OER development.

Custom learning material development

If you are looking for custom-developed, localised training resources we can work with you to adapt existing OERs or develop new materials. We have expertise in open science, reproducible research, programming languages like R and Python, digital and computational research, and more. One of our strengths is our connection to diverse communities of practice. Where our expertise falls short.

Re-use of existing OERs

Where possible we support the OER movement. We adopt open educational resources and work with developers to improve their materials and make them more accessible in new and different contexts. We can help you find suitable OERs for your teaching and learning needs.

Develop how-to guides and training for teaching

We can help to develop instructional materials, teaching guides, and workshops to train those who want to teach newly developed or existing educational resources. Making training resources available to a broader community of trainers, lecturers, or instructors can enhance the impact, optimise investment, and enable community contribution and feedback to improve the quality of OERs.